
Wednesday September 25th

Plenary talk
Prof. José Delgado Rodrigues
Stone conservation in the last five decades, a personal perspective
Characterization and (bio)deterioration of Cultural Heritage
Chair: Patrizia Tomasin, Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Energy Technologies, CNR-ICMATE (Italy)
Talk 1
Roberta Lobarinhas, Amélia Dionísio, Gustavo Paneiro
High-temperature impact on heritage stone’s ornamental aptitude
Characterization and (bio)deterioration of Cultural Heritage
Chair: Patrizia Tomasin, Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Energy Technologies, CNR-ICMATE (Italy)
Talk 2
Valeria Comite, Andrea Bergomi, Matteo Formenti, Chiara Andrea Lombardi, Mattia Borelli, Daniela Morale, Stefania Ugolini, Paola Fermo, Cecilia Cavaterra, Carlo Castellano and Cristina Della Pina
Studying Catalytic Metals: their Influence on Black Crust Formation Through Accelerated Aging Chamber Tests
Characterization and (bio)deterioration of Cultural Heritage
Chairs: Massimo Lazzari, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) & José F. García Martínez, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain)
T. Poli, M. P. Haaf, A. Piccirillo, F. Pozzi, A. P. Costa and R. L. Craig
Alkyd paints and metal soaps
Characterization and (bio)deterioration of Cultural Heritage
Chairs: Massimo Lazzari, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) & José F. García Martínez, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain)
Talk 3
Sara de Miguel, Irene Llorente, Daniel de la Fuente and Emilio Cano
Study and characterization of Corten steel patinas in different exposure atmospheres.
Characterization and (bio)deterioration of Cultural Heritage
Chairs: Massimo Lazzari, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) & José F. García Martínez, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain)
Talk 4
Francesco Caruso, Francesco Giannici, Claudio Ventura Bordenca, Alessandra Vichi, Olivier Mathon, Marine Cotte and Maite Maguregui
The role of Vesuvius on the degradation of cinnabar pigment revealed by synchrotron experiments
Characterization and (bio)deterioration of Cultural Heritage
Chairs: Massimo Lazzari, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) & José F. García Martínez, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain)
Talk 5
Iván Ruiz-Ardanaz, Agnès Genevey, Esther Lasheras and Adrián Durán
Reverse application of archaeomagnetic dating in Tiebas Castle’s carreaux de pavement (mid-13th century)
Characterization and (bio)deterioration of Cultural Heritage
Chairs: Massimo Lazzari, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) & José F. García Martínez, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain)
Talk 6
Natalia Macro, Muirne Lydon, Jolijn Schilder and Abbie Vandivere
The Essential Fragment: Rediscovering Paulus Potter’s Head of a White Bull through Multidisciplinary Analysis
Characterization and (bio)deterioration of Cultural Heritage
Chairs: Massimo Lazzari, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) & José F. García Martínez, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain)
Talk 7
Sara Puente Muñoz, Iñaki Vázquez de la Fuente, Idoia Etxebarria, Ilaria Costantini, Jennifer Huidobro, Marco Veneranda, Nagore Prieto-Taboada, Giuseppe Di Girolami, Angela Di Lillo, Marina Caso, Mario Notomista, Rossella Di Lauro, Kepa Castro, Gorka Arana and Juan Manuel Madariaga
Looking for the source of soluble salts in the Archeological park of Herculaneum, is the problem in the soil?
Conservation strategies applied to heritage objects
Chair: Francesco Caruso, Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)
Roxanne Radpour, Tania Kleynhans, David Hong, Michelle Facini, Cristy Mathey, Matthew Westerby and John K. Delaney
New developments in producing material maps from image-spectral data cubes of complex painted surfaces of artworks using labeled spectral libraries, spectral matching algorithms and machine learning
Conservation strategies applied to heritage objects
Chair: Francesco Caruso, Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)
Talk 1
Moreno, M., Ortiz, R. and Ortiz, P.
Digital Tools Applied to Risk Management in World Heritage: Art-Risk 3.0 and Art-Risk 5.0 Atlas
Conservation strategies applied to heritage objects
Chair: Francesco Caruso, Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)
Talk 2
Laura Homer, Piotr Targowski, Magdalena Kowalska, Magdalena Iwanicka, Francesca Rosi, Laura Cartechini, David Buti, Haida Liang, C. S. Cheung, Florence Liggins, Patrick Atkinson, Raffaella Fontana, Emma Vannini and Irene Lunghi
Non-invasive multimodal approach to support the removal of acrylic varnishes from modern paint films
Conservation strategies applied to heritage objects
Chair: Elena Basso, The Metropolitan Museum of Art (United States)
Talk 3
Fernando Carrera-Ramírez and Vera Moreira Caetano
VuRA: A proposal for calculating vulnerability and risk in rock art sites. The experience in Foz Côa
Conservation strategies applied to heritage objects
Chair: Elena Basso, The Metropolitan Museum of Art (United States)
Talk 4
L. Maestro-Guijarro, P. Punter, F.J. Menasalvas, A. Crespo Ibáñez, S. Sánchez-Cortés, R. Fort, M. Álvarez de Buergo, P.M. Carmona-Quiroga, M. Castillejo and M. Oujja
Spectroanalytical approach for analysis of archaeological objects related to personal adornment from Teruel Museum
Conservation strategies applied to heritage objects
Chair: Elena Basso, The Metropolitan Museum of Art (United States)
Talk 5
Domenico Celi, Alba P. Santo, Beatrice Agostini and Brunella Perito
Red discoloration of external white marble of Florence Cathedral
Conservation strategies applied to heritage objects
Chair: Elena Basso, The Metropolitan Museum of Art (United States)
Talk 6
Lucía Pereira-Pardo, Irene Bielli and Juan Torrejón
The Museum of the Invisible. Advanced Imaging Techniques for the Digital Recovery of Deteriorated Heritage
Conservation strategies applied to heritage objects
Chair: Elena Basso, The Metropolitan Museum of Art (United States)
Talk 7
Neemias Santos da Rosa, Danae Fiore, Francesco Caruso, Olivia Gomez-Laserna, Francisco J. Zangrando, Luis A. Orquera, Emmanuel Vargas, Maximiliano Lezcano, Adan Hajduk, José Luis Lanata, Pablo Arias and Maite Maguregui
Painted decorations on archaeological portable art of Fuego-Patagonia revealed by chemical imaging and surface topography
19:00-20:00Guided tour of the Old Town of Santiago

Thursday September 26th

08:00-09:00 REGISTRATION
Plenary talk
Prof. Francesca Cappitelli
Cultural heritage and sustainability: The central role of microorganisms.
From Plant Biology to Microbiology in Cultural Heritage
Chair: Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, University of Turin (Italy)
Johannes Tichy, Beate Sipek, Lukas Fürnwein, Monika Waldherr, Alexandra Graf, Katja Sterflinger and Guadalupe Piñar
Pink biofilms: structure, function and mitigation
From Plant Biology to Microbiology in Cultural Heritage
Chair: Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, University of Turin (Italy)
Talk 1
Isabel Franco-Castillo, Archismita Misra, Carsten Streb, Stéphanie Eyssautier and Scott G. Mitchell
Development and application of ionic liquids to mitigate biocolonisation and deterioration of stone heritage
From Plant Biology to Microbiology in Cultural Heritage
Chair: Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, University of Turin (Italy)
Talk 2
Andrés Rodríguez-Dorna, Ana Solares-Canal, Laura Alonso, Thais Rincón, Juan Picos and Julia Armesto
Evaluation of wildfire risk in archaeological sites through remote sensing, simulation techniques and GIS
From Plant Biology to Microbiology in Cultural Heritage
Chair: Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, University of Turin (Italy)
Talk 3
Marta Cicardi, Enrica Matteucci, Marie Claire Canepa, Daniele Castelli,Simona Ferrando, Samuel Antonietti, Francesca Piqué, Massimo Mezzetti, Greta Rao Torres, Paolo Mazzetto and Sergio E. Favero-Longo
Factors affecting specific patterns of lichen recolonization following removal interventions
From Plant Biology to Microbiology in Cultural Heritage
Chair: Sergio Enrico Favero-Longo, University of Turin (Italy)
Talk 4
Anxo Méndez, Davide Gulotta and Patricia Sanmartín
Shedding light on the impact of night-time ornamental illumination on subaerial biofilms (SABs) interaction with granite and concrete substrates
Heritage interpretation and valorization
Chair: Teresa Palomar, VICARTE. Nova School of Science and Technology, FCT NOVA (Portugal)
Elena Basso, Alicia McGeachy, Silvia A. Centeno, Hitomi Fujii and Matthew Skopek
Black or white? New insight into materials and technique of the painting Untitled by Robert Rauschenberg
Heritage interpretation and valorization
Chair: Teresa Palomar, VICARTE. Nova School of Science and Technology, FCT NOVA (Portugal)
Talk 1
A. Sánchez, M. Montejo, G. De Gea, J. Tuñón, M. Gutiérrez., P. Vandenabeele, Vico, L. and R. Martínez
Geochemical analysis for the enhancement of Roman mosaics of Upper Guadalquivir Valley.
Heritage interpretation and valorization
Chair: Teresa Palomar, VICARTE. Nova School of Science and Technology, FCT NOVA (Portugal)
Talk 2
Anna S. Reichert, Ana B. López-Baldomero, Francisco J. Collado-Montero and Ana López-Montes
Study of traditional writing inks: creation of standard samples and colorimetric analysis
Heritage interpretation and valorization
Chair: Teresa Palomar, VICARTE. Nova School of Science and Technology, FCT NOVA (Portugal)
Talk 3
Giovanna Vasco, Joanne Dyer, Caroline Cartwright and Richard Hobb
Communicating at the edge of the Roman Empire: a non-invasive multi-analytical protocol for the investigation of the Vindolanda ink tablets
Heritage interpretation and valorization
Chair: Teresa Palomar, VICARTE. Nova School of Science and Technology, FCT NOVA (Portugal)
Talk 4
J. Sanjurjo-Sánchez, F. Marzaioli, N. Guasch-Ferré, A. Pitarch Martí, Ll. Casas, J. Menchon, J. A. Adell, M. Badia and J. L. Prada
Establishing the chronology of the Les Ferreres Aqueduct (Tarragona, Spain) by combining petrographic analyses, OSL and radiocarbon dating methods on lime mortars
13:30-14:45 LUNCH
TechnoHeritage network meeting
Invited talk
E. Cano, M.T. Molina and B. Ramírez Barat
The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS) and its Spanish national node
New materials and technologies for Cultural Heritage
Chair: Emilio Cano, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas, CSIC-CNIM (Spain)
Keynote 1
Maite Maguregui, Olivia Gómez-Laserna, Martina Romani, Francesco Caruso and Erlantz Lizundia
Advancing Painting Conservation through nanocelluloses: A step towards the European Green Deal
New materials and technologies for Cultural Heritage
Chair: Emilio Cano, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas, CSIC-CNIM (Spain)
Talk 1
Agustí Sala-Luis, Pilar Bosch-Roig, Susana Martín-Rey and María Teresa Doménech-Carbó.
Essential oils as antifungal additives for adhesives used in the consolidation of oil-on-canvas paintings: a biological approach
New materials and technologies for Cultural Heritage
Chair: Scott G. Mitchell, Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, CSIC-INMA (Spain)
Talk 2
Chiara Genova, Alessandro Ciccola, Alice D’Angelo, Valentina Nigro, Simona Sennato, Silvia Capuani and Gabriele Favero
Bio-Inspired and Sustainable Approaches in Cultural Heritage Conservation: Chitosan-Based Nanoparticles for Archaeological Wood Preservation
New materials and technologies for Cultural Heritage
Chair: Scott G. Mitchell, Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, CSIC-INMA (Spain)
Talk 3
S. Pettineo, M. Castellano, M. Alloisio and S. Vicini
Agar electrospun nanofibers for an innovative application in the cleaning and disinfection of Cultural Heritage
New materials and technologies for Cultural Heritage
Chair: Scott G. Mitchell, Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, CSIC-INMA (Spain)
Talk 4
L. Maestro-Guijarro, S. Martínez-Ramírez, S. Sanchez-Cortes, J.F Marco, J. de la Figuera, M. Castillejo, M. Oujja and P.M. Carmona-Quiroga
Novel calcium-silicate-hydrate-based SERS substrate
New materials and technologies for Cultural Heritage
Chair: Scott G. Mitchell, Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, CSIC-INMA (Spain)
Talk 5
Teresa Palomar, Alexandra Rodrigues, Carla Machado, Francisca Pulido Valente, Inês Coutinho, Francisco B. Gomes, Susana Coentro, Marcia Vilarigues and Belén Notario
Documentation of artistic production patterns and alteration pathologies in glass and glazes through micro computed tomography (µ-CT)
New materials and technologies for Cultural Heritage
Chair: Scott G. Mitchell, Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, CSIC-INMA (Spain)
Talk 6
Ana J. López, Alberto Ramil, Alicia Moreno, Javier Lamas, Pablo Pardiñas, Teresa Rivas and Dolores Pereira
Robot-assisted laser ablation system for applications in Cultural Heritage
20:00-00:00 GALA DINNER

Friday September 27th

08:00-09:00 REGISTRATION
Plenary talk
Prof. Matija Strlič
Heritage Smells: from Characterisation to Archiving.
New materials and technologies for Cultural Heritage
Chair: Silvia Prati, University of Bologna (Italy)
Keynote 2
Irene Bargagli, Martina Alunni Cardinali, Valeria Di Tullio, Laura Cartechini, Brenda Doherty, Marco Paolantoni, Daniele Fioretto, Noemi Proietti, Francesca Sabatini, Costanza Miliani, Lucia Comez, Massimo Lazzari and Francesca Rosi
A novel noninvasive mechanochemical analytical approach for monitoring plastic degradation in cultural heritage
New materials and technologies for Cultural Heritage
Chair: Silvia Prati, University of Bologna (Italy)
Talk 7
Granget Elodie, Cocen Ocson R. and Brambilla Laura
Do Not Disturb! A New Approach to the Analysis of Archaeological Iron Corrosion in the Ground
New materials and technologies for Cultural Heritage
Chair: Silvia Prati, University of Bologna (Italy)
Talk 8
Verónica Mieites, Talía Lazuen, Jesús González-Urquijo and Olga M. Conde
Optical Coherence Tomography for the Non-Invasive Exploration of Prehistoric Samples
New materials and technologies for Cultural Heritage
Chair: Silvia Prati, University of Bologna (Italy)
Talk 9
Qing Wu, Arianna Passaretti and Edith Joseph
Cleaning of sterling silver tarnish with bio-based materials and assessment with multi-analytical techniques
New materials and technologies for Cultural Heritage
Chair: Kepa Castro, Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)
Talk 10
G. Magkanas, V. Arrés, D. A, Ahumada, H. Bagán, M.C. Sistach, J. Saurina and J.F. García
Artomics: integration of compositional and formal characteristics in the study of artworks. Application to an illuminated cartulary
New materials and technologies for Cultural Heritage
Chair: Kepa Castro, Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)
Talk 11
Laura Gallardo, Mark Busch, Giovanni Ciotti, Sylvio Haas and Patrick Huber
Deciphering origins: a multiscale structural analysis of palm-leaf manuscripts using synchrotron X-ray scattering
New materials and technologies for Cultural Heritage
Chair: Kepa Castro, Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)
Talk 12
L. Andrés-Herguedas, J.S. Pozo-Antonio, D. Jiménez-Desmond, T. Rivas, C. Ricci, F. Zenucchini, C. Avataneo, A. Piccirillo and F. Pozzi
Effects of Nd:YAG laser irradiation on tempera paints: influence of pulse duration.
Closing TechnoHeritage2024 and Benita Silva awards
13:00-14:30 LUNCH


GEQP-RSEQ Biannual meeting opening
Plenary talk
Prof. Silvia Prati
New advances in the development of green materials for the cleaning of works of art.
Award ceremony for the 2022-2023 GEQP-RSEQ Best Doctoral Thesis and invited lecture by the awardee
Silvia Pérez Diez
Red cinnabar blackening in the mural paintings of Pompeii
16:15-16:45 COFFEE BREAK
GEQP-RSEQ meeting


TOPIC: Characterization and (bio)deterioration of Cultural Heritage

Identification of different surface-whitening phenomena occurring in contemporary oil paintings
Erika Tarilonte, Oskar González-Mendia, Ilaria Costantini, Kepa Castro and Miren Itxaso Maguregui
Environmental effects of climate in the decay of granite Heritage buildings of Barbanza Peninsula (Galicia, NW Spain)
Ana C. Hernández, Jorge Sanjurjo-Sánchez, Carlos Alves and Carlos A. M. Figueiredo
Morphological and chemical changes of verdigris pigment in fresco wall paintings
Daniel Jiménez-Desmond, José Santiago Pozo-Antonio, Anna Arizzi, Teresa Rivas, Chiara Ricci, Anna Piccirillo and Federica Pozzi
A novel Gamma Ray Transmission (GRT) system with three radioactive sources for archaeological coin analysis
Javier Moreno-Soto, Francisco José Ager, Inés Ortega, Blanca Gómez-Tubio and Miguel Ángel Respaldiza
The chemistry of iron gall inks employed in historic manuscripts
María del Valle Ojeda and Santiago Sanchez-Cortes
Characterization of the Stone Façade of church of the Company of Jesus of Quito
M. Lenin Lara, Sol López-Andrés, Inés Del Pino and David Sanz-Arauz
Granite Black Crust of the Bridge of František Palacký (Prague) Characterization
Vendula Natherová, Alicia Moreno, Ana J. López, Richard Přikryl and David M. Freire-Lista
Precettoria of Sant’Antonio di Ranverso: multianalytical study of Jaquerio’s painting cycles.
A. Piccirillo, C. Ricci, A. Pertica, S. Migliorini, D. Vaudan, D. Demonte, M. Morlotti, M. Cardinali, M. C. Canepa, R. Coco and S. De Blasi.
Characterization of an Egyptian coffin (XXI Dynasty) polychromy: an integrated scientific approach for the knowledge and conservation issues.
Davide Melica, Giulia Germinari, Daniela Fico, Giorgia Di Fusco, Maurizio Masieri, Manuel Jardón Cabezas, Llucia Bosch Rubio and Emiliano Antonelli
First studies on the curative treatment of fungal infection in painting on canvas
Judit Fernández Maqueda, Luis Rodrigo Rodríguez Simón
A non-invasive analytical approach to unveil the colors of Joan Miró’s monumental tapestries
Lorena Fernández-España, Francesco Caruso, Olivia Gómez-Laserna, Anna Vila and Maite Maguregui
Analytical identification of blond tortoiseshell in luxurious artifacts of the Spanish Royal Collections
Silvia Pérez-Diez and Margarita Tapia
TH13 Assessing provenance of Archaeological ceramics by pXRF: lights and shadows from modern era ceramics
Javier G. Iñañez, Saúl Guerrero Rivero and Leticia Da Silva Gondim
Assessing the swelling behavior of oil paint in Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME)
Chiara Biribicchi, Michael Doutre, Laura Giuliani and Gabriele Favero
Exploring the preparation layers of Miró’s paintings on canvas: Insights from Raman and XRF analysis
Elisabet Serrat, Javier Becerra and Anna Vila
Montjuïc sandstone (Barcelona): a case study of petrology, mechanical properties, decay and treatment
Antonia Navarro and Domingo Gimeno
Non-invasive scientific-technical study on the Renaissance panel painting “Virgen de la Cinta” by Pedro Machuca
Ana Domínguez-Vidal, Néstor Prieto Jiménez and María José Ayora-Cañada
Preliminary Diagnosis of conservation state of 20th century glazed tiles from Maria Luisa Park (Seville).
L. Toro, I. González, C. Barba-Brioso, P. Campos, M. Moreno and P. Ortiz.
Study of pH measurement in plasterwork: application of sustainable and non-invasive techniques and materials
Eva Vivar-García, Mª Rosa Blanc-García and Ana García-Bueno
Study with Imaging Technologies and Non-Destructive Analysis Techniques (NDT) of the Ecija V Warrior Stela (Spain)
K. Jances, A. Fernández, I. Carrasco, M. Moreno and P. Ortiz
Technical study of a 17th century alabaster copy of the Madonna of Trapani
Silvia Pérez-Diez, Santiago Herrero and Ana Loureiro
The same painter? Revealing the differences in materials and painting techniques of two Baroque oil works by Sebastian Martínez
María José Ayora-Cañada, Néstor Prieto Jiménez and Ana Domínguez-Vidal
Understanding formates reactivity in MNAC’s collections
Núria Oriols
Degradation of tuff buildings at the Archaeological park of Herculaneum (Italy): Preliminary multianalytical study
Iñaki Vázquez de la Fuente, Idoia Etxebarria, Ilaria Costantini, Marco Veneranda, Nagore Prieto-Taboada, Giuseppe Di Girolami, Angela Di Lillo, Marina Caso, Mario Notomista, Rossella Di Lauro, Kepa Castro, Gorka Arana and Juan Manuel Madariaga
The identification of biological attacks and their intervention on a polychrome wooden lintel-a case study of the sculptor Chu Si-Kan, Penghu, Taiwan.
Yu Lee and Poyun Cheng
From green to brown: Characterization of the fast alteration occurring on greenish enamels from glass windows
Teresa Palomar, Dilara Ara, David G. Calatayud, Mohamed Oujja, Laura Maestro-Guijarro, Bettina Koppermann and Léonie Seliger

TOPIC: From Plant Biology to Microbiology in Cultural Heritage

Indoor airborne microbiota and biodeterioration risk in the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore
Domenico Celi, Samuele Caciagli, Massimiliano Marvasi and Brunella Perito
Assessing the risk of lithobiontic (re-)colonization in archaeological areas: a thermographic perspective explored at the House of the Ancient Hunt in Pompeii
Sergio E. Favero-Longo, Daniele Castelli, Marta Cicardi, Laura Guidorzi, Simone Guion, Alessandro Lo Giudice, Enrica Matteucci, Valeria Meirano, Mariagrazia Morando, Alessandro Re, Arianna Scarcella, Marco Serino and Diego Elia
Towards a compromise between the re-naturalisation of stone heritage and its preservation against biodeterioration
Pedro López-Villasante, Miguel Serrano and Patricia Sanmartín
Small differences in bioreceptivity, big differences in soiling: Santiago de Compostela Cathedral’s roof
Elsa Fuentes, Diana Pérez-Velón), Javier Cancelo-González, Anxo Méndez and Beatriz Prieto
Early Detection of Phototrophic Biofilms in show caves: a novel approach
Valme Jurado, M.A. Rogerio-Candelera, Jose Luis Gonzalez-Pimentel, Angel Fernandez-Cortes, Tamara Martin-Pozas, Roberto Ontañon, Eduardo Palacio, Sergio Sanchez-Moral and Cesareo Saiz-Jimenez
Microbiological studies in an art collection storage before and after the implementation of a preventive plan
Erika Tarilonte, Saioa Cendón-Sánchez, Andoni Ramírez-García, Oskar González-Mendia and Itxaso Maguregui-Olabarria
Searching potential strains for biocleaning of xenobiotics: Bacteria isolated from lead and gold-containing paintings from central tympanum of Pazo de Raxoi built in 1784 (Santiago de Compostela, NW Spain)
Fabiana Martín-Caramés, Jesús Lorenzo, Anxo Méndez, Sabela Balboa, Miguel Serrano and Patricia Sanmartín
The Voices of the Stone: geobiochemical characterization and diagnosis of the state of conservation of the stone sound sculptures of Pinoccio Sciola
N. Guasch-Ferré , A. Navarro Ezquerra, J. Sanjurjo-Sánchez, P. Sanmartín, A. Zornoza Indart, L. Osete-Cortina, D. Gimeno Torrente and M. Ruíz Carulla
Application of hyperspectral imaging for monitoring and managing biodeterioration
Chiara Bertani, Dmytro Nykonenko, Marta Cicardi, Sergio E. Favero Longo, Diego Elia and Monica Gulmini
Adhesive tape strips as alternative mechanical systems for the removal of fungal agents from pictorial textiles
Haizea Oliveira-Urquiri, Pilar Bosch-Roig, Patricia Sanmartín, Anxo Méndez, Susana Martín-Rey and María Victoria Vivancos-Ramón

TOPIC: Conservation strategies applied to heritage objects (characterization, documentation, recording, monitoring and risk assessment)

Restoration of the “Primacial basilica cathedral of São Salvador”, in Salvador (Brazil)
James Souza and Vicente Souto
In-situ analysis to assist archaeologists during the excavation of a new mural painting at the Archaeological Site of Pompeii (Italy)
Jennifer Huidobro, Marco Veneranda, Ilaria Costantini, Iñaki Vázquez de la Fuente, Idoia Etxebarria, Nagore Prieto-Taboada, Giuseppe Di Girolami, Kepa Castro, Gorka Arana and Juan Manuel Madariaga
Vulnerability assessment to earthquake of historical building as a resilient tool applied to churches of Popayán (Colombia)
I. Turbay, R. Ortiz, M. Moreno, P. Ortiz
Understanding stone deterioration by characterizing dust deposition: Preliminary results from the case of the sheltered Megalithic Temples of Malta
Rosangela Faieta, JoAnn Cassar and Ulrich Baisch
Chemical characterization of pigments from a 19th century prayer book using a portable Milli-XRF system
H.S. Gama Filho, D.S.S. Costa, D.O. Mansur, M. Miquelino, R.L. Leitão, C.G.L. Canellas, M.J. Anjos, J. S. Dominguéz and J. T. Assis
Assessment of indoor air quality in cultural buildings: the case study of the King’s Apartment, Royal Palace of Turin
V. Tango, G. Pellis, Y. Zhang, T. Poli and D. Scalarone
Fire prevention in Paleointerface areas: a study case
Ana Solares-Canal, Laura Alonso, Thais Rincón, Juan Picos, Domingo M. Molina-Terrén, Julia Armesto
Virtual Reconstruction of Polychromy based on the Study of Original Remnants on a Corbel of the Comares Facade (Alhambra, Granada)
Ana Carrasco-Huertas, Teresa López-Martínez, Ana I. Calero-Castillo, Mª del Rosario Blanc-García and Ana García-Bueno
Non-invasive recording strategies of El Riscal rock art site (El Madroño, Seville, Spain)
Miguel Ángel Rogerio-Candelera, Alba Fuentes Porto, Timoteo Rivera Jiménez and Leonardo García Sanjuán
Hybrid Self-Energized Measurement System for Microclimate Monitoring: Case Study of Santuario della Beata Vergine dei Miracoli, Saronno, Italy
Carlo Trigona, Giuliano Salerno, Anna Gueli, Rosaria Galvagno, Giuseppe Politi, Mattia Borelli, Andrea Bergomi, Valeria Comité and Paola Fermo
An IT database tool to document ageing phenomena in plastic and rubber museum objects
Elena Gómez-Sánchez, Cristian Mazzon and Till Krieg
A methodological approach to knowledge, conservation and restoration of cultural heritage within CHANGES project
Paola Fermo, Gloria Olcese, Andrea Zerboni, Stefano Costanzo, Marco Bovati and Lucia Toniolo
Cultural Heritage Resilience Measures in Antequera (Spain).
R. Ortiz, V. Bañuls, J. Maqueda, I. Chuliá, P. Ortiz
Diagnosis of five Venice churches based on ART-RISK models
P. Ortiz, A. Bueno, M. Moreno, M. Zucchelli, E. Zendri and R. Ortiz
Al Qurainah Archaeological Sites
Majed Alonazi, Norah Aldawsari and Shaker AbuRasayn
The Preservation, Documentation, and Recording of Rock art and Inscriptions Sites and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Amani Alhazani and Abdullah Alzahrani
Application of satellite resources for the safeguarding of natural and cultural heritage. The case of María Luisa Park (Seville, Spain)
L. Toro, M. Moreno, G. Chiarello, I. González and P. Ortiz
Novel non-invasive approach for the study of the Togado de Pompelo bronze statue with an eye towards conservation
Olivia Gómez-Laserna, Martina Romani, Francesco Caruso, Pablo Irizar, Thomas Maupas and Maite Maguregui
Using portable and non-destructive techniques to analyse the conservation condition of metal sculptures by Jorge Oteiza
M.T. Molina, E. Martín Martín, B. Ramírez Barat and E. Cano
Initiative to Antigraffiti from Archaeological Sites
Abdulrahman Alruwaili and Bader Alshammari
The National Antiquities Register
Awadh Alqarni and Tahani Alshamrani
Creation of a reference database for the study of the long-term behavior of polymeric materials used in the field of cultural heritage.
Ruth Chércoles Asensio, Marta Pérez Estébanez, María Matesanz Benito, María Higueras, Silvia G. Fernández-Villa, Sonia Santos Gómez and Margarita San Andrés
Assessing chemical treatments for the removal of calcium carbonate deposits on archaeological pottery by chromatic measurements
A. Sáenz-Martínez, M. Pérez-Estébanez, M. Álvarez de Buergo and M. San Andrés.
Virtual Reconstruction Applied to Mural Painting Reintegration Projects
Teresa López-Martínez, Ana Isabel Calero-Castillo, Ana Carrasco-Huertas and Victor J. Medina-Flórez

TOPIC: Heritage interpretation and valorization

Vulnerability Evaluation of Stone Facades in Cuenca (Ecuador)
M.C. Aguirre-Ullauri, M. López-Suscal, M. Moreno, R. Ortiz and P. Ortiz
Back to Life: The Restoration of Sebastián de Belalcázar’s Urban Sculpture
María Patricia Caicedo Zapata
Optimization of Identification and Characterization Processes of Graphic Documents on Translucent Lignified Supports through Non-Invasive Analysis Systems
Rosa Gutiérrez Juan, Ana Mª López Montes, José Luis Vílchez Quero and Rosario Blanc García
Application of Digital Techniques for Documentation of Decorations on Archival and Library Material
Ana Carrasco-Huertas, Teresa López-Martínez, Marta Durbán-García and Domingo Campillo-García
Absolute dating applied to the knowledge, analysis and conservation of Heritage: the case of vaulted fountains
Beatriz González Montes, Jorge Sanjurjo Sánchez and José Avelino Gutiérrez González
Multi-analytical study of a late-medieval polychromed relief from Borre church (Norway)
Calin Steindal, Noëlle L. W. Streeton, Francesco Caruso, Tine Frøysaker, Maite Maguregui
St. Fructuosus of Montélios, analysis of the monument through new chronological inputs
Francisco Andrade, Jorge Sanjurjo-Sánchez, Manuela Martins and Rebeca Blanco-Rotea
3D geometric characterization of underground gold mine galleries of Las Médulas using LiDAR and GIS technologies
Iván Puente-Luna, Carlos Pérez-Collazo and Brais X. Currás-Refojos and Francisco J. Sánchez-Palencia Ramos
Application of XRF analysis to identify metallic inks in medieval manuscripts
Katharina Schmidt-Ott, Tiziana Lombardo, Thomas Rainer, Maurizio Aceto and David Ganz
First analytical study of the finest mural painting found at the new excavations of Pompeii (Italy)
Ilaria Costantini, Marco Veneranda, Idoia Etxebarria, Iñaki Vazquez de la Fuente , Jennifer Huidobro, Giuseppe Di Girolami, Nagore Prieto-Taboada, Kepa Castro, Juan Manuel Madariaga and Gorka Arana
Study of the transition from natural to synthetic dyes in kimono from the 19th and early 20th century: Kimono Style: The John C. Weber Collection
Maria Goretti Mieites Alonso, Marco Leona, Kristine Kamiya, Monika Bincsik and Nobuko Shibayama
Scientific research, conservation and valorization of Bronze Age metalwork: the collection of the University of Santiago de Compostela as a pilot experience
Xosé-Lois Armada, Óscar García-Vuelta, Ignacio Montero-Ruiz and Yolanda Porto
Esfinge Foundry, the valorization of the legacy of a unique artisanal heritage
Noemí Delgado-Mellado and Montaña Galán Caballero
Surface degradation of mortars from the Castle of San Cristobal in Puerto Rico
José Raúl Rodríguez Pacheco, Jorge Sanjurjo-Sánchez and David M. Freire-Lista
An study of the Iron Age pottery from the archaeological site of Tell el-Far’a (Palestine): a possible origin of ware
Jorge Sanjurjo-Sánchez, Juan Luis Montero Fenollós and Víctor Barrientos Rodríguez

TOPIC: New materials and technologies for the analysis, protection and conservation/restoration of Cultural Heritage (including sustainable alternatives and those considering data treatment/chemometrics/machine learning)

Into the unknown bone: Advanced research on archaeological bone conservation
Andrea Díaz-Cortés and Noé Valtierra
Sustainable solutions for the marble preservation of Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral: a protocol to combating biodeterioration with low-impact biocides
Brunella Perito, Beatrice Agostini, Teresa Salvatici Marina Vieri de Mitri and Alba P. Santo
Recovery of mining sludge in the production of bricks. Implementation in the restoration of Historical Heritage.
Alberto Martínez-Ramírez, María Paz Sáez-Pérez and Jorge Alberto Durán-Suárez
Consolidation of Roman wall paintings with calcium hydroxide nanoparticles and ethyl silicate
David Navarro-Moreno, Victoria Eugenia García-Vera, Ana Martínez-Arredondo, Juan Antonio Madrid Mendoza and Marcos Lanzón
Back to the past: Ageing method to simulate industrial paper of 19th and 20th century maps for conservation-restoration
Ana Reyes Pérez, Nuria Gómez Hernández, Priscilla Vergara Alarcón and Teresa Espejo Arias
Characterization of Support Stone, Microroughness and Decay due to the Manufacture of the Rock Drawings at Valcamonica UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Micaela Gómez-Coronel, Ana J. López, Alberto Ramil, Mila Simões de Abreu and David M. Freire-Lista
Evaluation of Graphene oxide as a protective coating for historical stone
Codrut Costinas, Cosmin Cotet, Lucian Baia, Naida El Habra, Luca Nodari and Patrizia Tomasin
Impact of protective coatings on modern paintings: Influence of the paint composition and substrate
A. Calvar-Santamaría, T. Rivas, J.S. Pozo-Antonio
Microblasting of powdered lignocellulosic particles: cleaning of a wooden joint cover of a medieval coffered ceiling
A. Nualart-Torroja, A. Pitarch Martí, M.Á. Iglesias-Campos and I. Bautista-Morenilla
Microchemical study of cinnabar and malachite-based tempera irradiated with an active fiber laser.
C. Cardell, D. Jiménez-Desmond, L. Andrés-Herguedas, T. Rivas, J.S. Pozo-Antonio, C. Ricci, F. Zenucchini and F. Pozzi
A new perspective on the study of microenvironments created by the backings on canvas paintings: use of environmental pH sensors
Daniel Morales-Martín and Alicia Sánchez Ortiz
Green solutions against metal corrosion
Edith Joseph, Luana Cuvillier, Lidia Mathys, Arianna Passaretti, Patrycja Petrasz and Qing Wu
Tests for the Efficacy of Three Consolidation Methods for the Organic Collection of Ses Fontanelles Shipwreck (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain)
Elisa Fernández-Tudela, Marina Goñalons Lapiedra, Luis Carlos Zambrano Valdivia, Darío Bernal-Casasola, Miguel Ángel Cau-Ontiveros, Enrique García Riaza, Jaume Cardell Perelló and Manuel Bethencourt Núñez
How long is this risography going to last me? Ink durability test
Fernando Tudela-Rodríguez, Domingo Campillo-García and Mª Rosario Blanc-García
Developing sustainable acrylic coatings for outdoor bronzes
Giulia Pellis, Barbara Giussani, Paola Letardi, Paola Rizzi, Barbara Salvadori, Antonio Sansonetti and Dominique Scalarone
High precision portable and automated mobile laser scanner for applications in cultural heritage.
Pablo Pardiñas, Ana J. López, Alberto Ramil, David S. Canzobre and Javier Lamas
Development of a portable Macro-XRF system used to evaluate two important pieces from the collection of the Imperial Museum, Brazil
R.G. Leitão, H.S. Gama Filho, D.S.S. Costa, F.T. S. Tsuyama, E. M., C.G.L. Canellas, J. T. Assis, and M.J. Anjos  Zanatta
Analysis of paintings using X-ray macro fluorescence and Compton scattering
R.G. Leitão, F.A.C.R.A. Sanches, R.C. Nardes, F.T.S. Tsuyama, F. Gonçalves, R.S. Santos, H.S. Gama Filho, C.G.L. Canellas, D.F. Oliveira, R.T. Lopes, J.T. Assis, M.J. Anjos Zanatta
Implementation of pure and gelled Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) as sustainable alternatives to toxic nonpolar solvents for the removal of wax-based coatings from stone and metal artifacts
Chiara Biribicchi, Michael Doutre, Silvia Capuani and Gabriele Favero
Novel synthetic strategies in the design of oxalate precursors for the conservation of carbonate substrates
Domingo Gimeno, M. Carla Aragoni, Massimiliano Arca, Gianfranco Carcangiu, Paola Meloni, Antonia Navarro Ezquerra, Anna Pintus, Enrico Podda and Simone Murgia
The stability of vulcanized natural rubber as a function of degree and kind of vulcanisation
Elena Gómez-Sánchez, Alberto Fernández-Torres, Ruth Chércoles-Asensio, Juan López-Valentín and  Margarita San Andrés Moya
Sustainable approaches for preservation of Heritage
Eman M. Taha
Less is more: minimize dye extraction to minimize the impact on artifacts integrity and the environment
A. Bosi, I. Serafini, A. Ciccola, G. Peruzzi, V. Nigro and G. Favero
A bird’s-eye view of the BIOXEN project: BIOcleaning of XENobiotic materials in granite stone heritage
Patricia Sanmartín, Pilar Bosch-Roig, Fabiana Martín-Caramés, Pablo Barreiro, Francesca Cappitelli, Anxo Méndez, Domenico Pangallo, Miguel Serrano, Teresa Taboada, Ezequiel Vázquez and Mercedes Sánchez-Pons
Er:YAG application to tempera paints: influence of pigment and binder nature
L. Andrés-Herguedas, T. Rivas, J.S. Pozo-Antonio, D. Jiménez-Desmond, A.  Andreotti, M.P. Colombini and A. Ceccarini.
Underwater cultural heritage protection by means Silica-based coatings enhanced with Ionic Liquids
Marika Luci, Nadia Ruocco, Christian Galasso, Michela Ricca, Mauro Francesco La Russa, Silvestro Antonio Ruffolo, Daniela Coppola, Donatella De Pascale, Filomena De Leo, Sandra Lo Schiavo and Clara Urzì
Assessment of the effectiveness of consolidants for the preservation of Tituli Picti on amphorae from the Late Roman Ses Fontanelles Wreck (Mallorca, Spain): An Analytical Approach
Elisa Fernández-Tudela, Rafael Zarzuela Sánchez, Marina Goñalons Lapiedra,  Almoraima Gil, Darío Bernal-Casasola, Miguel Ángel Cau-Ontiveros, Enrique García Riaza, Jaume Cardell Perelló and Manuel Bethencourt Núñez
Evaluating Efficacy: An Analytical Exploration of Laser Cleaning in the Conservation of Contemporary Murals
Yezi Zhang, Francesca Zenucchini, Chiara Ricci and Dominique Scalarone
Oddy Test applied to the study of Fused Deposition Modeling 3D Printing Materials
María Higueras, Iván Díaz, Ruth Chércoles Asensio, Marta Pérez Estébanez, Sonia Santos Gómez, Emilio Cano and Margarita San Andrés
Protective coatings efficacy for Street Art murals: one-year monitoring on case-studies in Milan
L. Pagnin, N. Guarnieri, F.C. Izzo, S. Goidanich and L. Toniolo
Using muons for non-destructive depth profiling of the composition in cultural heritage materials
Sayani Biswas and Adrian Hillier
Hyperspectral insights into iron gall ink aging
Eva M. Valero, Ana B. López-Baldomero, Anna S. Reichert and Ana López-Montes
Evaluation and Development of Conservation Materials for Archaeological Parks of Pompeii and Herculaneum
Idoia Etxebarria, Ana Guerrero, Cristina Marieta, Eloy Asensio, Marco Veneranda, Ilaria Costantini, Iñaki Vazquez de la Fuente, Jennifer Huidobro, Nagore Prieto-Taboada, Giuseppe Di Girolami, Amngela di Lillo, Marina Cao, Mario Notomista, Rosella Di Lauro, Kepa Castro, Gorka Arana and Juan Manuel Madariaga
Hydrophobic Treatment of Lime Mortars: Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Interaction
Lucia Fernández-Carrasco, Imren Basar, David Torrens-Martín, Inés García Lodeiro, María Teresa Blanco-Varela, Pere Rovira i Pons and Ricardo Suárez de la Vega
Syntheses of reversible Paraloid-based resins cured by Gamma radiation for consolidation/restration in wood attached by insects
Maria José Alves Oliveira and Pablo Antonio Salvador Vasquez
Enhancement of Underwater Cultural Heritage: The Case of the TECTONIC Project
Michela Ricca, Luciana Randazzo, Maria Pia Albanese  and Mauro Francesco La Russa
Nanogenerators for cultural heritage conservation
Teresa Cuberes
Innovative strategies for confining apolar compounds in water based soft matters:  versatile and eco-compatible hydrogel dispersions for conservation of Stone materials
Laura Giuliani, Chiara Biribicchi, Valeria Stagno, Chiara Genova, Alessandro Ciccola, Silvia Capuani, Dave J. Adams and Gabriele Favero
Optimization of analytical techniques for the analysis of heritage and art materials
Irene Romo-Díez and Massimo Lazzari
Evaluation of different pre-processing methods for XRF spectra in glass objects
D.A. Ahumada, G. Magkanas, J. Saurina and  J.F. García
“Karegatz”: improvement, with saline additives, of the properties of lime paints for restoration
Irlanda S. Fragoso, Ander De la Fuente, Julene Aramendia and Juan Manuel Madariaga
Training of safeguard plans. The drill of The City of Antequera Museum using Art-Risk 4 Mission Track
R. Ortiz, I. Chuliá, I Catalan, G. Contreras, G., J. Maqueda, V. Bañuls, L. Toro, S. Dolores and P. Ortiz
Applicability of a parametric and semantic model for the HBIM project Church of the Company of Jesus in Quito
Enrique Nieto-Julián and Lenin Lara, M. Lenin